Plan of Salvation Chart

What is the Biblical Purpose of the Church?

The Great Commission

  • “Go… Make… Disciples… Teach… Baptize… Teach to Observe…”
  • “Go… Preach…”
  • “Repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed.”


Ephesians 4:11-16

  • “Equip for Works of Service”
  • “To build up the Body of Christ”
  • “Attain to the unity of the faith… Unity of the knowledge of the Son of God… To maturity… To the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ… Grow up in all aspects… Being fitted… Held together… Supporting ligaments work… Growth of the body in love.”


Purpose & Mission Statements

  • Purpose Statement is… “We exist to Reach… Teach… Equip… and Serve.
  • Mission Statement is… “To make disciples by leading people to Maturity in Christ and to Unity of Faith through…
    • Reaching the Lost
    • Teaching One Another
    • Equipping for Growth
    • Serving One Another”


Defining Our Mission Clearly

  • Reaching the Lost: The Great Commission was given to the disciples and handed down to us through scripture as our charge.  To fulfill our purpose of making disciples, we must reach out to the lost through service and with the word.  We do this to lead them to a saving relationship with Christ.
  • Teaching One Another: The Great Commission not only tells us to go make disciples, but plainly tells us that we are to go teach and after they are baptized, continue to teach.  Maturity in Christ, Unity in the Faith and attaining to the full knowledge of Christ can only come about through the teaching of God’s Word.  We believe the Word of God in Romans 10:17, which says that “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.”  II Timothy 3:16-17 tells us that the Word is beneficial for Teaching, Rebuking, Correcting and Training in Righteousness so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
  • Equipping for Service: “Equipping the saints for service . . .” There is one of the purposes of Leadership in the church. Preparing people to serve God.  The church cannot function without each supporting ligament doing its part.  So, in order for people to serve, they must be equipped.  Grant it, it is the primarily the elders and evangelists responsibility, we call can equip others.
  • Serving One Another: Part of maturing in Christ is seen in our service to others.  James writes that “Faith without deeds is dead”.  Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ to do good works.  Serving others is not only commanded in scripture, but is one of the most outward expressions of our faith in Christ and our maturity in Christ.